As a member of the American Association of Christian Counselors, I receive their publication Christian Counseling Connection. The current issue reports the results of a
recent survey stating, “Seventy-two percent of
more spiritual than religious.’”
We’ve all heard similar statements before and know that many young people (and some older people) feel this way but 72%!!! That’s an astounding number.
There was no information on religious background, church attendance prior to age 18 or other demographics of the group surveyed so any conclusions drawn must be regarded with caution.
I believe in God but not in those church people.
Being spiritual is free but churches want money.
I would rather receive than give to others.
Individuals can define spirituality in many ways. Religions actually have doctrine to be followed. Religions believe in community and in serving others. You can be “spiritual” all alone with no obligation to any standards or people.
Being spiritual is cool. Being religious is not.
The exception is that it is cool to claim to be a follower of some exotic religion. Madonna claiming to be a follower of the Kabalah comes to mind (She has since claimed to be United Methodist). It is a great attention getter to announce at a party, I am a follower of the ancient Egyptian worship of RA, the sun god.
better meet the needs of this population.
first three definitions of each word are shown below.
1. Concerned with sacred matters or religion or the church
2. Concerned with or affecting the soul
3. Lacking material body or form or substance
2. Having or showing belief in and reverence for a deity
3. Of or relating to clergy bound by monastic vows
For example, one group believes in God while the other group believes in the same characteristics of a deity but call it the universe, the infinite, collective subconscious or some other term.
One group believes in prayer and the other calls it meditation or cosmic ordering. One group believes in answered prayer and the other calls it manifestation. One has guardian angels
and the other has spirit guides. You get the point.
group as a negative. In fact, I consider a very spiritual religious organization to be the ideal and I don’t mean speaking in tongues or handling snakes. A spiritual religious organization is one that recognizes the power of God (or the universe, etc.) to empower those who believe in Him (it, her,
whatever) to love others and act on that love by providing for the poor, sick, lonely, etc.
Frankly, I am more concerned by those who are “religious but not spiritual” than I am those who claim to be “spiritual but not religious.” I am committed to helping both groups to better
understand their spirituality and how we have more commonalities than differences. I want to help the religious to become more spiritual and the spiritual to be more religious.
If you have questions about your own spirituality or want to grow spiritually I will be glad to help. You can contact me for coaching at or choose an inexpensive book from
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