Today we will look at the Law of Vibration. It, in fact, is the basis of manifestation. You can think of the Law of Vibration as the means by which the Law of Attraction works.
The first thing that is important to understand is that all that exists, whether seen or unseen, broken down into it's simplest and most basic form, consists of a form of, or rate of vibration.
Let's begin by looking at something as simple as a piece of paper. As you pick it up and look at it, it appears to be a solid object that you can sense with all of the five basic human senses of sight, touch, taste, smell, and hearing.
If you were to tear off a small piece of the corner, and place it under a microscope, you would find that it now appears to transform into a different form than when you held it in your hand or as it laid on the table.
As you observe it closely you will find that there appears to be movement within it. Not only does it appear to be so, but there really is movement! The movement that you see is millions of individual forms of microscopic matter that make up the piece of paper, which are called molecules. Everything in our world that you can sense with the five basic human senses are made up of these tiny wonders.
Going deeper, let's take one of those molecules and place it under a much more powerful microscope and as you look through the lens you will find that there appears to be movement from within the molecule. Not only does there appear to be, there is!
This movement is created by something known to the scientific community as atoms, which broken down and analyzed further consist of a proton, which is at the center and an electron which constantly orbits the proton, creating a vibratory pattern (energy). When I was in school, this was as far as the science went but with much, much more powerful technology (electron microscope) scientists can look “inside” the electron, proton, neutron, etc. What they found (and are finding) is truly amazing! The smallest “matter” found so far is called a quark. The reason I put “matter” in quotation marks is because there is a question of whether “matter” exists at all. The smallest particle is as much an energy wave as it is “matter.”
In fact, at the deepest level, everything consists of energy and is in a constant state of vibration and motion.
Even the seemingly solid items in your home, such as tables and chairs, vibrate. They vibrate at such a low frequency they appear as solid objects to the human eye.
Going even a step further, not only are things previously thought of as solid matter actually energy but things not considered to be “things” at all are also energy.
Thoughts are energy (vibrations). Emotions are energy AND we are energy.
Since you are reading this blog, you probably realize that we are spiritual beings who temporarily inhabit physical bodies. So what makes the difference between us and a brick? Among other things, it is our rate of vibration.
The Law of Vibration explains that differences between manifestations of matter, energy, mind and spirit result from different rates of vibration.
Each and every thought is energy and has its own vibrational frequency. We are effectively transmitting vibrational signals into the universe.
In addition to the rate of vibration, vibrational energy is also divided into positive and negative.
Generally, positive vibrations exist at a higher frequency than negative vibrations.
When experiencing positive emotions such as joy and happiness you are emitting positive vibrations.
However, if you are experiencing negative emotions such as fear, anger, nervousness or anxiety you are off track and vibrating at a lower frequency.
The Law of Vibration applies to everything you think, believe, act, intend and say.
If you don’t like what you have been attracting in your life, raise your vibration to invoke positive power and effectively apply the Law of Attraction. I may discuss ways to do this in a future blog but, basically, to receive positive energies you project positive energies. Like the Law of Attraction states, you receive that which occupies your thoughts.
For example, you have five bills to pay and enough money to pay only three of them. Worrying about the two unpaid bills will attract more unpaid bills but a sense of gratitude for having the money to pay three of the bills will attract more money to you.
If you need help in applying the Law of Vibration in your life, you can contact me for coaching at or choose an inexpensive book from
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