Our universe is governed by certain “universal” laws which influence all existence, seen and unseen. There is, however, no universal agreement as to what they are or even how many. Some sources will claim that there are seven, twelve or even forty-two such laws. There are at least seven on which there is general agreement. Others are often “sublaws” of the basic seven.
Ancient mystical, esoteric and secret teachings dating back over 5,000 years from Ancient Egypt to Ancient Greece and to the Vedic tradition of Ancient India, all have as their common thread these seven Spiritual Laws of the Universe. Once you understand, apply and align yourself with these Universal Laws, you will experience transformation in every area of your life beyond that which you have ever dared to imagine.
The Universal Laws can be viewed as guidelines for behaviors that will enhance our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual growth.
The Universal Laws are all inter-related and are founded on the understanding that everything in the universe is energy, including us. At the microscopic level, we are a whirling mass of electrons and energy atoms spinning rapidly. In fact, everything in the world is comprised of energy and we are intimately connected with this sea of energy, this sea of whirling electrons.
Our thoughts, feelings, words, and actions are all forms of energy. What we think, feel, say, and do in each moment comes back to us to create our realities. The combined thoughts, feelings, words and actions of everyone on the planet (or beyond?) creates our collective consciousness; it creates the world we see around us.
The exciting news is, because our thoughts, feelings, words and actions create the world around us, we have the power to create our own “reality.” In order to do this, it is essential that we learn to control our thoughts and emotions. Understanding the universal laws help us to do this.
The Universe as we know it, see it and experience it, is not all there is. The Universe is always in motion. It is a vibrating, pulsating, resonating, magnetizing force and at the molecular level everything is in motion. It is pure energy.
What we are talking about here is the pure formless substance of the Universe – we can think of this in spiritual terms as God, Higher Power, Spirit or the Universe, or address it mentally as Infinite Intelligence, Universal Mind, Divine Mind or Formless Substance. We can think of it scientifically as Energy or Relativity or take a giant leap into the area of Quantum Physics, where it is recognized as existing but scientists cannot agree on what it is or how it operates.
We are living in an age where mental, spiritual, religious and scientific concepts are coming together as we are getting very close to scientifically prove spiritual concepts.
What are these laws? Well, we know that there are laws of physics, laws of chemistry, laws of mathematics. But most people are not aware of the laws that govern the mental and spiritual realms – the creative laws of the Universe that govern our existence. Or you may know something about them but don’t know how to relate to them or how to use them.
So how do we know these laws exist or that this Universe or Power exists, aside from any intuitive feeling that it does? We know because of its results – by the experience of individuals who apply these principles in their own lives.
The universal spiritual laws work for everyone just like the law of gravity works for everyone. Successful people are using the mental and spiritual laws, they just may not realize they are doing so. And guess what? You are using these laws all of the time whether you realize it or not.
So how do we align ourselves with it?
We connect with this Power, this creative force of the Universe, within, through the channel of our subconscious minds – through our thoughts and our feelings. The subconscious mind is the most fantastic computer you could ever imagine. It keeps our heart beating, our lungs breathing, and has perfect memory of every cell in our body. It has also recorded and stored everything that we have ever heard, said, felt, and experienced. Unfortunately, that includes all of the faulty beliefs and negative patterns from others that we have acquired from the time we were very young through our lifetime.
Our thoughts and our feelings, our deepest beliefs are the key to connecting with the Power that responds to our desires. But first we must break through and overcome the negative thought patterns and beliefs that we have acquired since childhood. We cannot delete anything from the subconscious mind, and it is not necessary to do so. In order to shift our consciousness, we create a new dominant thought.
The subconscious mind does not like to change and will create resistance (we know that from our attempts to change a habit). But there are techniques and methods for influencing the subconscious in a way that does not create argument. (For more detailed discussion on breaking through this “wall” into the subconscious, see Michael Craig, www.logicalsoul.com)
The dominant thought in our conscious and our subconscious is what determines our circumstances. Why do we attract those things that we don’t desire? Those results are the outcropping of the thoughts and impressions that are established in your mind subconsciously.
So we must shift our consciousness to a new dominant thought – a new awareness. When we do so, we then open ourselves to the influence of the creative power of the universe.
The subconscious records everything - everything that you have ever heard or said or felt is recorded in perfect memory, whether or not you were conscious of it or not. And often the more casual words are the ones that drop into the subconscious more easily and are accepted, because you are not monitoring them or refuting them.
Over the next several weeks, I will be discussing several of these universal laws and how to apply them to enhance your life. Next week I will begin with the most familiar of these laws – The Law of Attraction.
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