In this series on the Universal Laws, I first gave a general description of universal law and last week, I discussed the best known of these laws – the Law of Attraction. Not only is the LOA the best known, some would argue that it is THE universal law and all others are sub-laws under it.
As a quick review, the LOA states that we attract to ourselves whatever we spend our mental energy on. For example, if we think about love, we attract love into our lives. However, if we think about our debt, we attract more debt. The LOA is totally neutral when it comes to whether the circumstances being attracted are positive or negative.
Assuming we want to attract positive things, how can we use the LOA to attract “good” and avoid “bad”? This brings us to the second law (in my list, anyway) – the Law of Deliberate Creation.
Unlike the LOA which is in effect at all times whether we are conscious of it or not, the Law of Deliberate Creation is exactly what it says – we deliberately work to create that which we desire.
Since it is our subconscious that is in direct contact with the universal energy force (God, the universe, collective subconscious, etc.), we must convince our subconscious to create the energy force which will result in obtaining our goal. For ease of description, let’s assume that your goal is a new automobile although it could be more money, better job, loss of weight, physical healing or almost anything else.
Let me make it clear right now. I am not talking about conjuring up a puff of smoke which will dissipate to reveal a new automobile. The Universe gives us those things we desire by providing people, opportunities, ideas, etc. that we must use to attain our goals. This does not mean that we couldn’t suddenly get an unexpected check in the mail. There have been documented cases where this exact thing has happened but we should not fail to be on the lookout for more conventional answers to our desires.
OK, lets get into the details. The subconscious receives information for various sources including the six senses. The more we send messages on what we want to “deliberately create” to the subconscious, the more rapidly the desire will be fulfilled. The following techniques have been documented to substantially facilitate the Law of Deliberate Creation.
- Meditation. If we meditate at least 15 minutes per day on what it is we desire, the subconscious gets the message that we are serious. Through meditation, we can lower our brain wave vibration from the Beta state (14 – 30 cps) to the Alpha state (7 – 14 cps) where conscious thought is translated into a form more relevant to the subconscious. This same state can be created by hypnosis or self-hypnosis. While in the Alpha state, think about the automobile you want. What model, color, features, etc.
- Visualization – Imagine the car sitting in your driveway or you driving down the highway. Find a photo of the type of auto you want and post it where you will see it often. Make a “vision board” with pictures of the things you want whether it is an automobile or yourself when you were 20 pounds lighter. Fix that image in your mind and recall it often – even you are not in the presence of the photo itself.
- Emotion – Imagine how you will feel in that new car. Imagine the pride and comfort. Visualize how happy your family will be. If you have difficulty getting emotional over an object, there is a technique to “hijack” an emotion. Think of something that makes you feel really good. Do you have a favorite piece of music that gets your feet tapping? Play the music while visualizing the car you want. Do you have a favorite vacation memory? Imagine your desired automobile in that scene.
- Affirmation – Say out loud something like “I really like my new automobile.” Or “I am glad to have a new Mercedes.” The affirmations must be stated in a form that implies your wish has been granted. The subconscious creates the reality that it believes exists already. Write these affirmations down and read them aloud often. This combines the visual input with the auditory. Even if you memorize the statement, look at the words anyway.
- Repetition – The more often you do 1 – 4 above, the sooner you will achieve your goal. You can think about your goal while doing other things. It is like humming a tune while working. The more you do it, the less you have to consciously think about it. Through repetition, it becomes like that commercial jingle that you can’t get out of your head.
- Combination – As much as possible, combine the above techniques. Visualize the car while meditating. Feel the emotion of accomplishment while stating your affirmations.
For many years, when I heard about the LOA or other universal laws, I thought it was just a motivational concept to get you to be more dedicated, to work harder. It has only been in the last ten years that I realized that these were actual scientific laws of human energy.
I urge you to try out these techniques. Set your goal relatively low at first until you are convinced that it works. Knowing what to establish as a goal is a subject for another day.
Do not pre-determine how the goal is to be achieved but trust God, the universe, or whatever term you chose to use; to do its work for you in the way that is best for you.
A philosopher from the last century once said,
You don’t always get what you want,
No, you don’t always get what you want;
But if you try it sometime, you just might find
That you get what you need.
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