Next in our series on the Universal Laws is the Law of Perpetual Transmutation. Don’t worry! It isn’t as difficult as it sounds.
Simply stated, the LPT provides that energy is constantly moving into and out of physical form and that our thoughts can affect this process. Transmutation merely means changing from one form into another.
As you know by now, all things are energy and the rate of vibration of this energy determines the forms it takes. Only within the past twenty years or so has this process been scientifically demonstrated but it is a concept understood by many people for more than 100 years. Like everything else, our thoughts are energy and this energy precedes materialization. I am sure that you learned in school that energy cannot be created or destroyed. It changes forms – transmutes.
It is generally accepted that the Universe is a creative force of unlimited power and infinite energy. In The Science of Getting Rich, Wallace Wattles referred to this force of energy as “formless substance” and “formless stuff.” Others prefer such designations as the Infinite, the Universe, the collective subconscious or God. By whatever name you prefer, there can be little argument that this creative force exists.
Our challenge is to determine how we can influence this creative force to materialize what we desire. In our discussion of the Law of Attraction, we noted that we attract to ourselves that which we think about – positively or negatively.
The same is true of the LPT. Our negative thoughts can create negative reality just as they can create positive reality. Have you observed that people who say “I never win anything” never win anything? A more familiar term for this process is Self-Fulfilling Prophesy. There is so much overlap in the Universal Laws that some contend that there is only one law – the Law of Attraction – and all others are components of it. It really is difficult to distinguish between the LOA, the LPT and the Law of Expectation, i.e., we get what we expect.
We don’t need to worry about whose list is more correct or what law if part of some other law. We just need to understand how to use the laws to our benefit.
Before working on creating positive results, we need to eliminate negative results. Watch your “self-talk.” Don’t make negative statements about your ability, luck, appearance or anything else. Try to remove all negatives even when trying to be positive. By that, I mean don’t make statements like “I am tired of being poor” or “I don’t want to stay in this lousy job.” Your subconscious, and through it the Universe, hears “I tired, poor” and “stay in lousy job” and does its best to comply. Always state what you want; not what you don’t want.
As long as our thoughts are going to create reality anyway, lets make it as good a reality as we can.
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