Spiritual empowerment is the realization and utilization of the spiritual abilities that we all possess. We are, above all, spiritual beings. It is very easy to think of ourselves as these bodies that we inhabit but the body is merely a temporary vessel with numerous limitations.
If you ask someone how old they are, the response will be the length of time that the physical body has existed outside of their mother. But when does life actually begin? Some would say at conception. Others would advocate that our lives began centuries or millennia ago and have lived several physical lives.
Regardless of when our spiritual being began, we are living spiritual lives now and, most people believe, will continue to do so beyond the death of our physical bodies.
Spiritual empowerment requires conscious acceptance of this fact and a determination to learn as much as we can about our spiritual nature. It has been accepted science that we exist on three levels. Freud referred to these as the Id, Ego and Superego. Today, they are more commonly called the Conscious, Subconscious and Superconscious (or “higher self”). The conscious is our intentional thought processes, our reasoning ability and intellectual capacity. The subconscious is the “behind the scenes” force that keeps our body functioning, controls our emotions and retains information from our experiences but the most powerful function of the subconscious is the influence it has over our thoughts and behavior. If we wish to change our behavior (bad habits, motivation, weight loss, etc.), we must change our subconscious. Fortunately, there are several well-proven methods of doing this.
Another function of the subconscious is that it is through the subconscious that we contact our higher self. It is this part of 0ur spiritual nature which is most controversial. The higher self is our connection to the universal force that is the substance of all existence. It may be called the Infinite Mind, the Universe, Nature, the Force (Star Wars), the Collective Subconscious or God.
It is our connection to this force that connects us to all other beings. (I will detail this further in a future post.)
In summary, spiritual empowerment is our ability to influence ourselves and others through use of our spiritual abilities. As your Spiritual Life Coach, I will assist you in acquiring this spiritual empowerment.
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