Thursday, July 1, 2010

What is involved in Spiritual Life Coaching?

Coaching is not counseling or therapy. Coaching is using proven techniques to facilitate the client moving from point “A” to point “B.” We will analyze where you are in relation to where you want to be. This may be moving from unemployed to employed, bankruptcy to financial success, spiritually yearning to spiritually fulfilled or any other area that needs improvement.

After identifying your starting point and your goal, we will develop a plan to attain the goal and then follow the plan to success.

Spiritual Life Coaching works for five reasons: 1) Unbiased Listener. How often have you had someone to truly listen to you? In a typical conversation, each party is thinking more about what they are going to say next than what the other person is saying. As your Coach, I will focus solely on you. In coaching, it really is "all about you." 2) Realistic Goals. Together, we will determine what you really want to accomplish. The desired outcome will be realistic and achieveable. 3) A Plan. We will develop a reasonable plan to accomplish the goals that have been set. The plan will be measurable and time-specific. Intermediate steps toward that goal will be established and accomplished through proven success techniques. 4) Accountability. As your coach, I will hold you accountable for completion of each step and assist in removal of any barriers encountered. 5) Spiritual Support. As a Spiritual Life Coach, I will be assisting you to utilize the spiritual forces available to you.

For more information on Spiritual Life Coaching, write me at

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