Monday, October 1, 2012

Universal Consciousness

Today I am offering an article which I received recently. I, personally, find this information absolutely fascinating. I hope you do as well.

Intelligence and Energy Fields ( your psychic powers work...) by Jim Francis

This concept of intelligence existing "outside" the physical confines of the living organism has been hard for the scientific community to accept. But over the past 5-10 years, hard evidence has been produced which is having its effect on the scientific skeptics.
Dr. Karl Pribram, a prominent American brain surgeon, sees the brains neurons "outpicturing" the physical universe, similar to the holographic process. He suggests that our brains are exposed to the entire concept of the universe in the same way that any minute part of a hologram
contains basically the same information as the whole.
British scientist, David Bohm came up with the same Holographic Theory and had it published in a prominent scientific journal.

But probably most amazing of all is the theory that British physicist Rupert Sheldrake has proffered. If his theory is proven correct, it will rival Charles Darwin's Theory of evolution in its magnitude.

Basically he has proven repeatedly through laboratory controlled experiments that different species of animals appear to be "plugged" into a dedicated intelligence field which is universal to
that particular species.

For example, when enough mice in a group have learned a maze, they ALL suddenly know the maze - whether they have run it or not!

It now appears, after a BBC television experiment, that if enough humans have learned something, then it becomes easier for all humans to learn it. Sheldrake calls this shared intelligence the Morphogenetic field.

There is an interesting parable about this called the '100th monkey' relating to an apparent observation made on a remote Japanese Island.

A very bright female monkey on a small island was taught to wash sweet potatoes in the seawater. She then taught other members of the tribe to do this. When approximately 100 monkeys had learned this procedure, many other remote monkey tribes started washing potatoes in the same manner. But the interesting thing is that these other tribes were situated on other remote islands and also on the mainland. That is, they had no possible way of acquiring this knowledge, other by some form of intuitive universal "sharing."

The BBC in London tried out Sheldrake's Theory on 8 million of their viewers. They showed on prime time TV, a difficult puzzle that only a very small percentage of their viewers were able to solve.

Then the correct answer was also given on prime time TV.
Shortly after, the same experiment was repeated by a TV network in another country. A
far higher percentage of these foreign viewers were able to get the puzzle right the first time. As the puzzle was in the form of a universal pictorial concept, language and customs were not considered to be a factor.

The BBC and Sheldrake concluded that as the correct answer was now existing within the human morphogenetic field then the human race now "knows" the answer. Basically Sheldrake's
Theory explains how we develop intuition and 'intuitive' functioning to a degree.
What Sheldrake is saying is that there is a 'larger' mind for each life-form and each individual
life-form 'programs' that larger mind. The theory might be laughable except for Sheldrake's acceptance in the scientific community and also the BBC experiment.

But probably the most startling (and easily repeatable) experiments came from Cleve Backster, a polygraph (lie detector) expert. Operating from his San Diego, Californian laboratory he found that plants react - at a distance - to human thought.
He initially connected his polygraph equipment to a Dragon Plant to test for possible "plant

He decided to generate stress by burning the plants leaves and sure enough the polygraph machine registered a strong reaction. But he hadn't actually burnt the leaves - he had only intended to do so!

He had thought about it with emotion and intent!
Skeptics who tried the same experiment without genuine intent couldn't get it to work. Backster went a step further and totally shocked the scientific world.

He scraped human cells from a volunteer's mouth and connected these to his polygraph and medical EEG equipment. He found to his utter amazement that these cells reacted instantaneously to the donor's emotions, even when they were geographically separated! White blood cells were found to be particularly susceptible to emotion. This may explain for the first time why people with strong positive emotions have better health. (End of article)
This intelligence field is The Key to probably the most extraordinary part of the advanced mind power research of Jim Francis - his discoveries about our mental connection with this morphogenetic field.

This could explain how some exciting programs work, such as Subjective Communication - the ability to connect with other people's minds through this field to create win/win situations...
...and remote viewing, the ability to see people, objects and places in the past, present and future - by accessing this field......and remote influencing, the ability to transfer emotions and heal people from a distance, through this field.

Fascinating information!

Monday, July 4, 2011

Non-Directive Life Coaching

Life coaching is a relatively recent term for something that has been going on for ages. Life coaching takes many forms. Some people may see the term and say, “I don’t need anyone else to tell me how to run my life – I’m married.”

The purpose of life coaching really isn’t to tell anyone how to run their life in general but it may involve some specific aspect of their life.

There are two basic types of life coaching – directive and non-directive. A directive coach may be employed to advise on some specific area that needs to be improved. To do this, you engage a coach who has some particular expertise in a given area. Examples would include a fitness coach, athletic coach, business coach, voice coach, etc. Other terms for directive coaching would include consulting, teaching, advising and mentoring.

Basically, a directive coach shares his or her expertise and “directs” the client to success.

A non-directive coach’s expertise is in the process, not the subject area. The NDC (non-directive coach) can assist in a variety of subject areas such as weight loss, career advancement, education or starting a business – just to name a few.

In directive coaching, the coach is the expert but in non-directive, the client is the expert. Certainly, there are some areas where the directive approach is more appropriate but there are also areas where non-directive is the way to go.

Perhaps this is a good time to review the purpose of coaching. A coach assists the client in getting from point A to point B. Point B is the objective of the process. It could be getting a job, winning a title, passing an exam, operating a successful business, stop smoking or learning to play poker. Some objectives (goals) would require a more directive approach but most can be accomplished through a non-directive approach.

Let’s face it – most of us already know what we need to do to reach our goal. What we need is a plan, motivation, accountability and encouragement. This is what the NDC provides but don’t think for a moment that it is just cheerleading.

Briefly, the NDA (non-directive approach) process is as follows:

1. Define the goal. The client may say that the goal is to “get a better job” but through appropriate inquiry we may learn that he loves his job but needs to make more money. In this case, the goal would be to increase income, not necessarily to get a better job. The NDC helps the client to discover his actual objective. The goal must be reasonable and attainable. We call this “validating the goal.”

2. Determine the current situation. Before we can develop a plan for the client to obtain the goal, we must assess his current situation. What resources are available? What support does he have? What happened in previous attempts? This is defining the “A” to determine the starting point to achieve “B.”

3. Develop a plan. Too many people claim to have a goal but have never developed a plan to get there. The goal may seem lofty or far away but an appropriate plan gives a pathway with intermediate objectives along the way. Often people think of a goal as something you don’t have one minute but do the next. The NDC assists the client in putting together a realistic plan that has various “success points” along the way. If the goal is to lose 20 pounds, losing 5 is a success point. If the goal is getting a new job, updating the resume is a success point. Success points provide motivation to continue the journey.

4. Accountability. From session to session, the NDC will assign the client various tasks to perform. It may be as simple as “Ask your husband what he thinks about your goal” or as detailed as “Research the requirements to be a Marine Biologist, including average income and employment opportunities.” At the following session, the NDC asks about the assignment. Was it completed? What was the result? What prevented you from doing the assignment?

5. Encouragement. You can’t minimize the importance of positive reinforcement. Although it is the client’s goal, it is the coach’s job to help the client attain the goal. An example of this collaborative effort is in the accountability mentioned above. If a client fails to complete the assignment, a directive coach may use negative reinforcement such as refusing to hold another session until the assignment is completed or chastise the client for not being serious about attaining the goal. The NDC, on the other hand, would work with the client to explore exactly what prevented the assignment from being completed and how to remove negative influencers.

There are several advantages to using the NDA in coaching:

1. It is collaborative. Since the NDC and the client are working together, the client “owns” the results. There is more motivation when the client is working the plan that he helped develop than when he is given a plan by the “expert.” If something goes wrong or does not happen as expected, it would be easy to blame the expert’s plan but if it is the client’s plan they are much more motivated to discover the problems and adjust the plan as necessary. A side benefit is that the client learns the process and can apply it to subsequent issues without having to employ the coach.

2. It is personal. A directive coach may have a plan that he uses for all clients. You buy into his program and follow his instructions. The NDA is different for each client. It takes into account his desires, his motivation, his support network, his resources, his timetable, etc. There is no standard plan, diet, regimen, schedule or steps to follow.

3. Relationship. The non-directive approach is all about the client. Although it is conversational in nature, all discussion is about the client. The coach does not give opinions or advice, even when we think we know the answer. We lead the client to discover the answer for themselves. Certainly we give guidance on where to look or some alternatives to consider but the discovery is the client’s.

4. Flexible. Life tends not to follow plan. Things happen that may make it necessary to alter the plan accordingly. The client may have a financial setback or change in work schedule. There may be changes in the coach’s situation as well. You must have the capability to change the plan when necessary. Since the plan is individualized, it is not difficult to accommodate changing conditions. This is not the case when following a regimented plan that require the client to “do items 1 – 6 the first week and 7 – 13 the second.”

5. General Applicability. Since the NDA is process oriented, it can be applied to a variety of subject areas. This is certainly an advantage to the coach who does not have to market her services to a limited segment of the population as would be the case with an acting coach, for example. Many non-directive life coaches also have the capability of doing directive coaching in specific areas where they have expertise. Personally, I am qualified to do directive coaching in the areas of spirituality, real estate investing and entrepreneurship.

For more information on non-directive coaching, to explore becoming a coach or to discuss the possibility of being coached, please visit my web site at

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Spiritual but not Religious

As a member of the American Association of Christian Counselors, I receive their publication Christian Counseling Connection. The current issue reports the results of a
recent survey stating, “Seventy-two percent of
U.S. 18-29 year-olds say they’re ‘really
more spiritual than religious.’”

We’ve all heard similar statements before and know that many young people (and some older people) feel this way but 72%!!! That’s an astounding number.

There was no information on religious background, church attendance prior to age 18 or other demographics of the group surveyed so any conclusions drawn must be regarded with caution.

Spiritual but not religious – what does this really mean? Several possibilities come to mind. Could they possibly mean…

I want to go to heaven but I don’t want to go to church.

I believe in God but not in those church people.

Being spiritual is free but churches want money.

I would rather receive than give to others.

OK, maybe I’m being cynical. It could be much more serious than implied by the above statements. Many could have had bad experiences in church or resent having been forced by their parents to attend. I am sure this was the experience of some, but 72%! There must be something much more pervasive going on. I suspect there are several contributing factors.

The mass media’s attack on religion, especially Christianity.

Religious people are portrayed as being hateful, intolerant, self-serving and “holier than thou.” Often religious leaders are corrupt, immoral and power-seeking.

Being spiritual is easier than being religious.
Individuals can define spirituality in many ways. Religions actually have doctrine to be followed. Religions believe in community and in serving others. You can be “spiritual” all alone with no obligation to any standards or people.

Being spiritual is cool. Being religious is not.
The exception is that it is cool to claim to be a follower of some exotic religion. Madonna claiming to be a follower of the Kabalah comes to mind (She has since claimed to be United Methodist). It is a great attention getter to announce at a party, I am a follower of the ancient Egyptian worship of RA, the sun god.

Whatever it really is that has 72% of our young adults claiming to be non-religious, it is a tremendous opportunity for religious organizations to reach out and find out how they can
better meet the needs of this population.

Although they are unlikely to admit it, there are many people of whom it could be said, “They are religious but not spiritual.” I have met many people who are very active in their church but seem to have missed the spiritual nature of the organization. This is likely the case in synagogues as well but I am not personally aware of it.

We all have our own ideas about what “spiritual” and “religious” mean. You may be surprised, as I was, at the definitions presented by the Webster’s Online Dictionary, 2011. The
first three definitions of each word are shown below.


1. Concerned with sacred matters or religion or the church

2. Concerned with or affecting the soul

3. Lacking material body or form or substance


1. Concerned with sacred matters or religion or the church

2. Having or showing belief in and reverence for a deity

3. Of or relating to clergy bound by monastic vows

Taking just the first definition of each word would indicate that the words are synonymous although I would submit that common usage differs.

So, how DO “spiritual but not religious” people differ from religious people? Aside from the obvious difference of participation in organized religious activities, I think there are more similarities than differences and many of these are semantic.

For example, one group believes in God while the other group believes in the same characteristics of a deity but call it the universe, the infinite, collective subconscious or some other term.

One group believes in prayer and the other calls it meditation or cosmic ordering. One group believes in answered prayer and the other calls it manifestation. One has guardian angels
and the other has spirit guides. You get the point.

I consider myself to be “spiritual and religious” and don’t see being identified with either
group as a negative. In fact, I consider a very spiritual religious organization to be the ideal and I don’t mean speaking in tongues or handling snakes. A spiritual religious organization is one that recognizes the power of God (or the universe, etc.) to empower those who believe in Him (it, her,
whatever) to love others and act on that love by providing for the poor, sick, lonely, etc.

In my very first sentence, I indicated that I am Christian (a member of the AACC). Then why do I call myself a Spiritual Life Coach instead of a Christian Life Coach? It is precisely because I want to reach some of those 72% who consider themselves non-religious. It is because many people see the word – Christian- and immediately think of some negative stereotype.

Frankly, I am more concerned by those who are “religious but not spiritual” than I am those who claim to be “spiritual but not religious.” I am committed to helping both groups to better
understand their spirituality and how we have more commonalities than differences. I want to help the religious to become more spiritual and the spiritual to be more religious.

If you have questions about your own spirituality or want to grow spiritually I will be glad to help. You can contact me for coaching at or choose an inexpensive book from

Monday, June 20, 2011

Universal Laws - Last in Series

Over the past few weeks, I have been writing about the
Universal Laws. Specifically, I have discussed the Law of Attraction, the Law
of Perpetual Transmutation, the Law of Deliberate Creation and the Law of

As mentioned in the first post, various authors have listed
up to 42 separate laws but the most common number is seven. Whether there are
really only seven laws or the number seven is used because it is the number
denoting spiritual completeness, I don’t know.

Today, I want to conclude the series by briefly listing some
of the laws not heretofore mentioned. They are:

The Law of Relativity Nothing stands alone.
Something is “big” or “small” only in relation to some other “thing.”
Something, for example, that is difficult for you, may actually be easy for
someone else. Therefore, the “thing” is neither difficult nor easy in itself
but only in relation to individuals’ perception of it.

The Law of Polarity Similar to the Law of
Relativity in that it is employed in relation to something else, this law
states that everything has a polar opposite. For every “good” there is a “bad.”
For every “right” there is a “wrong.” The Universe has a sufficient supply of
both. Whichever you devote your energy to, you will receive.

The Law of Correspondence Just as the physical
world has principles or laws of physics, the metaphysical or spiritual world
have corresponding principles or laws. Just as the law of gravity is real in
the visible world, the law of attraction is real in the invisible world.

The Law of Cause and Effect Every action has a
related effect. Since all energy is connected, every thought as well as act has
a resulting effect. We may not be able to perceive the effect but somewhere,
something is affected. This principle of Cause and Effect can cross worlds in
that a physical action can have a spiritual effect and a spiritual act can
affect the physical world.

The Law of Allowing This principle states that
we should allow others to be as they decide to be and not apply our values upon
them. It also says that we should allow ourselves to be who we truly are and
not pretend to be something we are not. Back in the 1970s, there was a term –
“being real” – that states this principle. Another aspect of the law of
allowing is to keep ourselves open to receive the blessings of God (or the
Universe, if you prefer).

The Law of Sufficiency and Abundance
Everything that you need and want is available to you. We too often think in
terms of scarcity and the only way we can get what we want is to take it from someone
else. Even financial abundance is sufficient for everyone. As Wallace Wattles
states in The Science of Getting Rich, success is a function of
service, not competition.

I could probably list at least ten or more laws or
principles but I think that you can see that they are all interconnected. If
you are interested in the Universal Laws, just do an internet search and you
will find an abundance of information.

If you would like to discuss applying Universal Laws to
achieving some goal in your life, contact me through or write to I would also
like to hear from you if you have questions or topics you would like for me to
address in this blog. Don’t forget to checkout and

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Law of Vibration

Today we will look at the Law of Vibration. It, in fact, is the basis of manifestation. You can think of the Law of Vibration as the means by which the Law of Attraction works.

The first thing that is important to understand is that all that exists, whether seen or unseen, broken down into it's simplest and most basic form, consists of a form of, or rate of vibration.

Let's begin by looking at something as simple as a piece of paper. As you pick it up and look at it, it appears to be a solid object that you can sense with all of the five basic human senses of sight, touch, taste, smell, and hearing.

If you were to tear off a small piece of the corner, and place it under a microscope, you would find that it now appears to transform into a different form than when you held it in your hand or as it laid on the table.

As you observe it closely you will find that there appears to be movement within it. Not only does it appear to be so, but there really is movement! The movement that you see is millions of individual forms of microscopic matter that make up the piece of paper, which are called molecules. Everything in our world that you can sense with the five basic human senses are made up of these tiny wonders.

Going deeper, let's take one of those molecules and place it under a much more powerful microscope and as you look through the lens you will find that there appears to be movement from within the molecule. Not only does there appear to be, there is!

This movement is created by something known to the scientific community as atoms, which broken down and analyzed further consist of a proton, which is at the center and an electron which constantly orbits the proton, creating a vibratory pattern (energy). When I was in school, this was as far as the science went but with much, much more powerful technology (electron microscope) scientists can look “inside” the electron, proton, neutron, etc. What they found (and are finding) is truly amazing! The smallest “matter” found so far is called a quark. The reason I put “matter” in quotation marks is because there is a question of whether “matter” exists at all. The smallest particle is as much an energy wave as it is “matter.”

In fact, at the deepest level, everything consists of energy and is in a constant state of vibration and motion.

Even the seemingly solid items in your home, such as tables and chairs, vibrate. They vibrate at such a low frequency they appear as solid objects to the human eye.

Going even a step further, not only are things previously thought of as solid matter actually energy but things not considered to be “things” at all are also energy.

Thoughts are energy (vibrations). Emotions are energy AND we are energy.

Since you are reading this blog, you probably realize that we are spiritual beings who temporarily inhabit physical bodies. So what makes the difference between us and a brick? Among other things, it is our rate of vibration.

The Law of Vibration explains that differences between manifestations of matter, energy, mind and spirit result from different rates of vibration.

Each and every thought is energy and has its own vibrational frequency. We are effectively transmitting vibrational signals into the universe.

In addition to the rate of vibration, vibrational energy is also divided into positive and negative.

Generally, positive vibrations exist at a higher frequency than negative vibrations.

When experiencing positive emotions such as joy and happiness you are emitting positive vibrations.

However, if you are experiencing negative emotions such as fear, anger, nervousness or anxiety you are off track and vibrating at a lower frequency.

The Law of Vibration applies to everything you think, believe, act, intend and say.

If you don’t like what you have been attracting in your life, raise your vibration to invoke positive power and effectively apply the Law of Attraction. I may discuss ways to do this in a future blog but, basically, to receive positive energies you project positive energies. Like the Law of Attraction states, you receive that which occupies your thoughts.

For example, you have five bills to pay and enough money to pay only three of them. Worrying about the two unpaid bills will attract more unpaid bills but a sense of gratitude for having the money to pay three of the bills will attract more money to you.

If you need help in applying the Law of Vibration in your life, you can contact me for coaching at or choose an inexpensive book from

Monday, May 23, 2011

Law of Perpetual Transmutation

Next in our series on the Universal Laws is the Law of Perpetual Transmutation. Don’t worry! It isn’t as difficult as it sounds.

Simply stated, the LPT provides that energy is constantly moving into and out of physical form and that our thoughts can affect this process. Transmutation merely means changing from one form into another.

As you know by now, all things are energy and the rate of vibration of this energy determines the forms it takes. Only within the past twenty years or so has this process been scientifically demonstrated but it is a concept understood by many people for more than 100 years. Like everything else, our thoughts are energy and this energy precedes materialization. I am sure that you learned in school that energy cannot be created or destroyed. It changes forms – transmutes.

Edison’s invention of the light bulb was preceded by his idea of a light bulb. Napoleon Hill’s book, Think and Grow Rich came after he had the idea to write a book. This does not mean that Edison or Hill just had an idea and suddenly a light bulb or book appeared. Edison’s numerous failures and determination not to give up are well documented. Both products required a lot of work (among other things) but began with an idea or thought.

It is generally accepted that the Universe is a creative force of unlimited power and infinite energy. In The Science of Getting Rich, Wallace Wattles referred to this force of energy as “formless substance” and “formless stuff.” Others prefer such designations as the Infinite, the Universe, the collective subconscious or God. By whatever name you prefer, there can be little argument that this creative force exists.

Our challenge is to determine how we can influence this creative force to materialize what we desire. In our discussion of the Law of Attraction, we noted that we attract to ourselves that which we think about – positively or negatively.

The same is true of the LPT. Our negative thoughts can create negative reality just as they can create positive reality. Have you observed that people who say “I never win anything” never win anything? A more familiar term for this process is Self-Fulfilling Prophesy. There is so much overlap in the Universal Laws that some contend that there is only one law – the Law of Attraction – and all others are components of it. It really is difficult to distinguish between the LOA, the LPT and the Law of Expectation, i.e., we get what we expect.

We don’t need to worry about whose list is more correct or what law if part of some other law. We just need to understand how to use the laws to our benefit.

Before working on creating positive results, we need to eliminate negative results. Watch your “self-talk.” Don’t make negative statements about your ability, luck, appearance or anything else. Try to remove all negatives even when trying to be positive. By that, I mean don’t make statements like “I am tired of being poor” or “I don’t want to stay in this lousy job.” Your subconscious, and through it the Universe, hears “I tired, poor” and “stay in lousy job” and does its best to comply. Always state what you want; not what you don’t want.

As long as our thoughts are going to create reality anyway, lets make it as good a reality as we can.


If you would like any of the books mentioned in this blog, just let me know at and I will send you a free copy. Also, check out for inexpensive ebooks and audios.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Law of Deliberate Creation

In this series on the Universal Laws, I first gave a general description of universal law and last week, I discussed the best known of these laws – the Law of Attraction. Not only is the LOA the best known, some would argue that it is THE universal law and all others are sub-laws under it.

As a quick review, the LOA states that we attract to ourselves whatever we spend our mental energy on. For example, if we think about love, we attract love into our lives. However, if we think about our debt, we attract more debt. The LOA is totally neutral when it comes to whether the circumstances being attracted are positive or negative.

Assuming we want to attract positive things, how can we use the LOA to attract “good” and avoid “bad”? This brings us to the second law (in my list, anyway) – the Law of Deliberate Creation.

Unlike the LOA which is in effect at all times whether we are conscious of it or not, the Law of Deliberate Creation is exactly what it says – we deliberately work to create that which we desire.

Since it is our subconscious that is in direct contact with the universal energy force (God, the universe, collective subconscious, etc.), we must convince our subconscious to create the energy force which will result in obtaining our goal. For ease of description, let’s assume that your goal is a new automobile although it could be more money, better job, loss of weight, physical healing or almost anything else.

Let me make it clear right now. I am not talking about conjuring up a puff of smoke which will dissipate to reveal a new automobile. The Universe gives us those things we desire by providing people, opportunities, ideas, etc. that we must use to attain our goals. This does not mean that we couldn’t suddenly get an unexpected check in the mail. There have been documented cases where this exact thing has happened but we should not fail to be on the lookout for more conventional answers to our desires.

OK, lets get into the details. The subconscious receives information for various sources including the six senses. The more we send messages on what we want to “deliberately create” to the subconscious, the more rapidly the desire will be fulfilled. The following techniques have been documented to substantially facilitate the Law of Deliberate Creation.

  1. Meditation. If we meditate at least 15 minutes per day on what it is we desire, the subconscious gets the message that we are serious. Through meditation, we can lower our brain wave vibration from the Beta state (14 – 30 cps) to the Alpha state (7 – 14 cps) where conscious thought is translated into a form more relevant to the subconscious. This same state can be created by hypnosis or self-hypnosis. While in the Alpha state, think about the automobile you want. What model, color, features, etc.

  1. Visualization – Imagine the car sitting in your driveway or you driving down the highway. Find a photo of the type of auto you want and post it where you will see it often. Make a “vision board” with pictures of the things you want whether it is an automobile or yourself when you were 20 pounds lighter. Fix that image in your mind and recall it often – even you are not in the presence of the photo itself.

  1. Emotion – Imagine how you will feel in that new car. Imagine the pride and comfort. Visualize how happy your family will be. If you have difficulty getting emotional over an object, there is a technique to “hijack” an emotion. Think of something that makes you feel really good. Do you have a favorite piece of music that gets your feet tapping? Play the music while visualizing the car you want. Do you have a favorite vacation memory? Imagine your desired automobile in that scene.

  1. Affirmation – Say out loud something like “I really like my new automobile.” Or “I am glad to have a new Mercedes.” The affirmations must be stated in a form that implies your wish has been granted. The subconscious creates the reality that it believes exists already. Write these affirmations down and read them aloud often. This combines the visual input with the auditory. Even if you memorize the statement, look at the words anyway.

  1. Repetition – The more often you do 1 – 4 above, the sooner you will achieve your goal. You can think about your goal while doing other things. It is like humming a tune while working. The more you do it, the less you have to consciously think about it. Through repetition, it becomes like that commercial jingle that you can’t get out of your head.

  1. Combination – As much as possible, combine the above techniques. Visualize the car while meditating. Feel the emotion of accomplishment while stating your affirmations.

For many years, when I heard about the LOA or other universal laws, I thought it was just a motivational concept to get you to be more dedicated, to work harder. It has only been in the last ten years that I realized that these were actual scientific laws of human energy.

I urge you to try out these techniques. Set your goal relatively low at first until you are convinced that it works. Knowing what to establish as a goal is a subject for another day.

Do not pre-determine how the goal is to be achieved but trust God, the universe, or whatever term you chose to use; to do its work for you in the way that is best for you.

A philosopher from the last century once said,

You don’t always get what you want,

No, you don’t always get what you want;

But if you try it sometime, you just might find

That you get what you need.