Monday, April 25, 2011

Your Self

What is your self? Most would answer, “well, it’s me.” Then comes the question, “What is me?” and we’re back at “What are you?” We give ourselves many names. I am Ron. I am a man. I am an American…and so on. We can use many words to describe ourselves but do we really know what our self is? Where is our self located? How big is it?

Do you ever talk to yourself? If so, who is doing the talking and who is doing the listening? Do you ever get angry with your self or disappointed with your self?

Our self is not a simple concept. Our self is not a singular entity. If we think of our self as the essence of who we are, then our self is not a physical being but a metaphysical one. Metaphysical means simply “not physical.” I could (and will) use the term “spiritual” but I don’t want you to become confused with religious concepts, at least not yet.

The multiple entities of self have been long recognized. Have you ever heard someone say, “I’m not myself today”? Then who is he if he’s not himself? In the early twentieth century Sigmund Freud described the self as consisting of the id, ego and superego. Many behavioral scientists have agreed that each of us consists of at least three separate “selfs.” Some refer to them as the “lower self, the middle self and the higher self.” Others use the terms “conscious, subconscious and superconscious.” I will use the terms ego, subconscious and higher self because I believe they are more descriptive of the functional identity of each. Hopefully, you will agree.

The various characteristics, functions and interactions of the “selfs” are fascinating to study and, more importantly, to control. Before you can learn to exercise control over your selfs, you need to understand how each works.

The Ego

The ego is your conscious mind. When you decided what to wear today or what to have for breakfast, it was your ego making the decision. The ego does not have a long memory. It does what must be done now – in this moment. There is a reason why we use the word – egotistical. The ego is very self-directed. It consciously tries to satisfy the needs of the individual. The ego receives and processes information. It uses logical reasoning to solve a problem or undertake an activity. When you are consciously making a decision, you are functioning in your ego state. When you decide if something is good or bad, pretty or ugly, new or old; you are using your ego consciousness. The ego can think in the abstract and understands concepts like love, anger, remorse, envy and other emotions.

The Subconscious

Unlike the ego, the subconscious does not require conscious decisions in order for it to function. It, in fact, does not even require your conscious participation at all. The subconscious controls our autonomic functions such as heartbeat, breathing, digestion and other bodily functions. The ego can exercise a certain degree of control over the subconscious but only in a limited amount for a limited duration. You can consciously hold your breath, for example, but not for long. Some people have the ability to raise or lower their pulse rate or blood pressure.

The subconscious does not make decisions but reacts to stimuli given. It is very concrete and does not understand abstract concepts. In today’s understanding, you could say that it acts like a computer in that certain actions are programmed to occur upon receipt of the proper command. It can’t take a joke (you’ll see later why this is important). It does not understand degrees of a concept. It operates in a very “black & white” world.

The subconscious does not recognize time or space. Something programmed into us in our childhood continues to function until it is replaced by new programming.

Activities that we do “without thinking” are being carried out by the subconscious. Have you ever been driving somewhere familiar while thinking about something else (employing your ego) and suddenly realize that you don’t remember making several turns or stopping at red lights?

Your subconscious was driving and assuming you wanted to go where you usually go. If you had decided to stop at the grocery store on the way home, that decision was still in the realm of the ego and your subconscious did not know to stop there. Another good example is a typist. When learning to type, you consciously look at the word and decide which letters to press by which fingers. With experience, your subconscious knows what key to type when it sees a particular letter. A good typist can type accurately while his or her conscious mind is planning the dinner menu.

Another example is in reactions. A few days ago I was taking some items out of a bag while holding a drink in my left hand. I accidently dropped an unopened container with unbreakable contents. My subconscious immediately ordered my hands to try and catch the plastic bottle causing my diet coke to spill all over the floor. A conscious decision would have said, “let it drop, it won’t break” but that is not the way the subconscious works.

In addition to the many functions relating to the physical body, the subconscious plays another possibly more important role. It is through the subconscious that we usually access our higher self.

The Higher Self

The higher self is the part of our being which is in contact with every other being and with the power of the universe. This is where science and religion converge. The existence of a “higher power” has long been recognized. It is the different understandings of this power that causes there to be different religions, denominations and belief systems. This power is variously referred to as the Infinite Mind, Collective Subconscious, Universal Mind, God, Supreme Intelligence, and many other terms.

I will deal separately with the two “connections” of the higher self. First is the connection of all living things. Have you ever seen a video of a school of fish swimming along and suddenly the entire school, every single fish, changes direction? How did they all know exactly when to turn and in exactly the same direction? The lead fish didn’t turn first and the others followed. He didn’t shout an order to turn or signal with his fin. There was a mental connection among the fish.

People have this same connection although it is much more developed in some. The connection is strongest among individuals who are closely related. We have all heard of and possibly experienced a “mother’s intuition.” You somehow “know” when your child is hurting or in danger. The connection between some twins is so close that one can be injured and the other feels the pain.

You may have heard your phone ring and suddenly “knew” who was calling. Someone may call and you say, “I was just thinking of you.” You may have been in a room and could “sense” that someone was behind you. I could go on with examples but you probably have some of your own that you could add.

The connection is neither limited by time nor space. We have recently heard stories of parents who “knew” the moment their son or daughter was killed in battle half a world away. Other “knowings” may relate to future events or events that could not have been known by any rational explanation. This can explain some of what has been termed extra sensory perception because it wasn’t learned by either of the five common senses.

This connection is not just between humans and other humans. Many people believe that they know what their pet is thinking or, more commonly, the pet knows what they are thinking. Some of the research in this area is really impressive.

You may not be ready to believe it but several research studies have shown that some plants respond positively to kind words and thoughts and negatively to threats and thoughts of harm to the plant.

While science has acknowledged a psychic connection between living things, recent evidence indicates that it may not be limited to things which are living.

Watch for a future article on this phenomenon.

Monday, April 18, 2011

The Power of "What if...?"

You know how there are certain things that we just automatically reject or accept without really thinking about it? What if some of those things turn out to actually be true (or not true)?

Let’s deal first with the things we reject. Even though the odds might be one in a million that it is true, what if the world really does end on December 21, 2012? Let me be clear. I am not in any way stating that it will happen because I honestly do not believe that it will. I am just using it as an example of something that someone states and someone else rejects without thought. What if there really are extraterrestrials living among us? What if some people really can communicate with the dead? What if we really do create our own reality with our thoughts?

Again, I am not proposing that any of the above are true (or are not) but the mental exercise of examining the impact on your life can tell you a lot about yourself.

Before you dismiss it completely, remember that there were times in our history when people outright rejected the idea that the earth revolved around the sun, that disease is caused by living organisms too small to be seen with the naked eye and there is no such thing as a “solid” object. Today’s fiction is often tomorrow’s fact.

Now, getting a little more personal, what are some of the things that you automatically accept without really thinking about it? For example, what if there really isn’t (or really is) a heaven, hell or God, depending on what you currently believe? What if death is not inevitable? What if electrons approaching the speed of light really can disappear and reappear, go back in time and change locations without apparent cause?

It is not the purpose of this article to get you to change your mind about anything. The purpose is to encourage you not to accept or reject any idea without considering the possibility that you just might be wrong.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Looking Back from the Future

One of the techniques that I like to use with my clients is something I call “Looking Back from the Future.”

No matter your current age, imagine being elderly and looking back on your life. You might want to ask yourself questions like:

What were my major accomplishments?

Whose lives did I impact for the better?

How will I be remembered by those who knew me?

What were those things that I always wanted to do but never did?

What am I leaving to my family? Money or Memories?

Who did I never get around to telling “I love you”?

Who did I never forgive or ask forgiveness from?

Someday each of us will be in a position to ask those questions but not able to do anything about it.

So, ask yourself those questions, and others, now while you still have time to potentially change the answers. Don’t ever put yourself in the position of looking back on your life with regret. Act now so that you will be able some day to look back and see a life full of love, caring, serving others and building pleasant memories for everyone you encounter.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

How old are you?

What a question! Depending on who asks and why, you may or may not even answer. But if you do, what would your answer be? Chances are that you would respond with the amount of time that has elapsed since your birth or, perhaps, some would add 8 - 9 months to that believing that is when their life began. But that wasn't the question. I didn't ask how old your body was. I asked how old YOU are. Most of us realize that our body is not us. We are spiritual beings who merely occupy a physical vessel for a relatively short period of time. So, how old ARE you? Again, some believe that our physical and spiritual lives begin at the same time, i.e., we did not pre-exist our bodies. Others would answer that we have always existed and may take bodily form once or even multiple times. The answer is - no one knows. Now, on the other end of our physical existence, there is much more agreement. Relatively few people believe that we cease to exist when our body dies. Many religions are based on a belief in eternal life (or in some cases for non-believers - eternal death). There are numerous organizations, movies, television shows and books about life after physical death. There have been many documented cases of people who have apparently died and then returned to life and told of their experiences while "dead." Unfortunately, the evidence is all in the words of the subject. Was it real? Hallucination? Dream? Certainly the subjects seem convinced. What other evidence is there of an "after life"? There are several television shows about hauntings, ghosts and spirits. Are these true or fiction? Many people are content to accept the existence of life after death based on the fact that the Bible says there is. So, the question is this - whether or not there is life before or after our physical existence, what are we doing about our spiritual self while it is encased in this body. Do you take care of your spiritual self as well as you care for your physical self? Do you feed and exercise your spiritual self as well as you do your physical self? Remember, your body is temporary but YOU are eternal.